Grandma Susi

My wonderful grandmother passed away a few weeks ago. She lost a valiant battle with Alzheimer’s, as sad as we were to lose her, we are all relieved that her suffering is over. She was such a lovely lady and wouldn’t have wanted to see herself that way.

A lot of people had a lot of wonderful things to say about her. Hampton (my bro) and I had the honor of singing a song at the memorial service – Let me call you sweetheart- a song that I remember singing with her when I was very small. She even drove up to play the piano for me to sing it at my 3rd grade talent show. We didn’t include the “secret” version, but I will always think of her and that song.

Let me call you Sweetheart, I’m in love with you.
Let me hear you whisper that you love me too.
Keep the love-light glowing in your eyes so true.
Let me call you Sweetheart, I’m in love with you.

Secret Version:

Let me call you Sweetheart, I’m in love with your machine/ Let me hear you whisper that you’ll buy the gasoline/ Keep the engine turning and both hands upon the wheel/ Let me call you Sweetheart, I’m in love with your automobile!

I’m sure Grandma would have loved to see all of our family together. It has not happened in so long. We recreated a picture from 1985 – see below:

family comparison

She and my Papa wrote a prayer together, it is so beautiful and pertinent. I wanted to share…

“To You, Our Creator, who gave our bodies the need for sustenance

And then provided nourishment from the earth;

Who endowed us with a thirst for knowledge

And then provided a mind with a vast potential for learning;

Who allowed us the ability to appreciate beauty

And then gave us sunsets, art, music and poetry;

Who afforded us a desire for spiritual well-being

And then bestowed upon us a heart capable of friendship, love and gratitude;

Who set us apart from other creatures by allowing us to see beyond ourselves and our families

And then provided limitless opportunities for us to help ourselves by helping others;

Who made us realize that in all lives there are pitfalls and problems

And then permitted us the joy of discovering solutions for them;

Help us to know that we can use our hearts and minds and energies as a force for good

To thank You.”

I am so thankful for my Grandparents and the time my life was blessed with their presence.

With Grandma and Papa 2003


So – I started a blog and just deserted it! How dare I? Seriously, I have had so much going on. Some exciting, some tough.

Either way, just realized I haven’t written since March. I’m going to have to speed through it. Recap starts now…

I went home with Robert for Easter weekend to Lake Village, it was lovely and we had a great time. Yummy food including the original Doe’s and a crawfish boil on the lake. His mom also went all out for an Easter lunch that topped them both.

R & P on Lake Chicot

A few weeks ago we were waiting for a cab on Dickson and Matt H. flagged down a hummer limo and bade us to hop in! We did…

Hummer Limo 1Hummer Limo 2I guess I didn’t have as much to say as I thought! I’ll try to do better :)