
Fingerless Gloves http://www.forever21.com/product.asp?catalog_name=FOREVER21&category_name=acc_scarf_gloves&product_id=2069253918&Page=all

Infinity Scarves http://www.nyandcompany.com/nyco/browse/productDetailWithPicker.jsp?FLCat=cat70094&productId=prod1730068&categoryId=cat790026&addFacet=1002:cat790026

VF daily style blog http://www.vanityfair.com/online/style/

Online shopping? What if shopping is your cardio?

I am extremely fortunate in that it is perfectly normal for me to peruse fashion mags while cooped up in my cubicle. I love seeing what editors think we want to see. I’ll occasionally get some fun ideas about how to put an outfit together and seldom see a new trend I want to try. I fervently try not to shop based on trends, but alas we all fall victim.

Lately, I’ve been enthused with online shopping/browsing. Here are some of my faves of the day:

I just ordered these after seeing my stylish friend Sara sport them in purple while I was visiting in NOLA. She’s 5’10” and one of the only tall beauties I know that will sport 5inch heels. It makes her look like she just stepped off a runway and I love that confidence. Tall women often don’t excercise the prowess they could have if they embraced stilettos. Sara claims these platforms are “comfortable”. Demode

http://www.ninewest.com/Demode/095227176034,default,pd.html They were initially $89, reduced to $69 with an additional 30% off and free shipping. For comfortable platforms, that’s a win/win!

I’ve been wanting a good pair of high-waisted pants and I adore these from Newport News but I haven’t broken down yet… High-waist wide-leg pant http://www.newport-news.com/shop/product_single.aspx?style_id=37260235

One store that is under-rated in the fashionista’s mind is New York & Co. I have to admit I buy more stuff than intended there and they have SUCH GOOD SALES and deals! Some nice young lady called to remind me about my “city cash” that had to be used this week. It’s basically free money they give you anytime you purchase something. It’s incredibly affordable and the sizes run large (fit into a 4 when you know you’re a 6), the items go on sale after a reasonable amount of time and it’s perfect for office staples! What’s not to love? http://www.nyandcompany.com

Do you watch Glee? I’m obsessed with the show. Not only has it given Lydia and I several new karaoke songs, it’s so funny! Sue Sylvester has got me thinking about investing in a track suit. Thoughts?

What do we think of shorts as evening wear?




Next weekend, I’m off to Woodstock with my beau. It’s a hunting camp on an island in the Mississippi river. What do I pack??

Engrossingly funny

French women don’t get fat?

Being in France has made me realize that I hold some incredibly naïve assumptions about French women and weight that can probably be traced to too much exposure to Vogue Paris, Garance Doré, the GOOP newsletter, and the career of Juliette Binoche. In my mind, French women eat Camembert and Nutella and still look cute in leather leggings

I dig this. http://jezebel.com/5376114/french-women-do-get-fat-food-fitness–fad-diets

Journal Entry

Today is Monday and that is always a bit disheartening. However, there is nothing to complain about today.

I had a really fun weekend with my friends. Thursday, Wiggles got on doggy-prozac and I think this has helped him tremendously with his attitude. I was quite productive in the early afternoon, cleaned my car, went to the grocery store, cleaned my room (it is already back to a mess, but oh well). Then I went over to Lydia’s house and we split a bottle of wine.

Friday, I met my mom at lunch at our favorite thrift shop, The Samaritan Shop, I donated about 4 trash bags full of clothing and of course purchased a few things. I am continually impressed with the quality of shopping at thrift shops. BTW – shoulder pads are back. That night, we met at Bordino’s and continued to 21st Amendment, went home early to ensure early wake-up for the Razorback game.


@ 21st Amendment

Serious Face

Saturday started early with cheese grits at Lydia’s house. We walked all over town to get to the stadium but the weather couldn’t have been more perfect and we won the game! It was the longest day but there was fun had by all at Lydia’s house later in the evening. The night ended with karaoke, obv.

Sunday included lots of napping, Monte Ne Inn and Galactic.

This week: hot yoga continues, Robert’s bday/Pretty Lights on Thursday



Powerpointing, etc.

Yesterday, I was telling my mother about a presentation I gave and she asked me if I did my powerpoint by myself. After I explained that I had, she went on to inquire where I learned to do a powerpoint? I later learned she did not know how to create one and considered  them to have some sort of mystique. I wonder if she knows I can do excel and access too, oh my?!

This week, my beau and I have turned over a proverbial “new leaf”. My friend from work’s husband was giving free bikram yoga classes to garner interest in his new yogi venture. I’d gone to my fair share in college and knew that while hot yoga is difficult, the results are inexplicably incredible. After 90 minutes of sweating it out in 104 degree temps, you leave slightly nauseas, soaking wet, starving and better than ever! I brought Robert along on Monday night and seemed to have forgotten how freaking HOT it was! I was, however, impressed with my black-belt-boyfriend’s flexibility ;). We went back last night for more and I must say that it was much easier and enjoyable and I think I’m already hooked again!

On another note, I recently listened to this Adele cover of  “To make you feel my love”. Hold your loved ones close to your heart… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jpzBEiARaE